
Hey everyone, Latisha here, and I’m excited to dive into today’s blog post titled “Flowing.” Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the concept of artistic flow – that magical state where creativity pours forth effortlessly from the soul. However, I’ve noticed that achieving this flow hasn’t been as easy for me recently. Instead of seamlessly transitioning from sketch to finished artwork, I find myself stuck in a cycle of perpetual sketching, with numerous ideas waiting to be brought to fruition.

I’ve always been one to generate a multitude of sketches, each brimming with potential, but lately, I’ve struggled to see them through to completion. It’s as if I’m accumulating a backlog of half-finished projects, each one begging for my attention. Does anyone else experience this phenomenon, where the creative well seems endless, yet the execution falls short? It’s a frustrating dilemma, but one that I’m determined to overcome.

I recognize the importance of honing my ability to see a project through from start to finish, without succumbing to the temptation of starting something new before the last is complete. It’s a matter of discipline and focus, qualities that I’m actively cultivating in my artistic practice. While the fear of missing out on even better ideas looms large, I understand that true growth comes from pushing past these barriers and committing to finishing what I start.

In addition to streamlining my creative process, I’m also exploring ways to improve the quality and longevity of my artistic endeavors. One aspect that’s particularly important to me is preserving the health of my hands and wrists, essential tools in my craft. By incorporating new drawing techniques and refining my line work, I hope to minimize the risk of developing conditions like arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, allowing me to continue pursuing my passion for years to come.

But amidst the quest for efficiency and self-preservation, I also find myself yearning for the pure joy of artistic flow – that intoxicating sensation of being utterly absorbed in the act of creation, where time seems to stand still and nothing else matters. It’s a delicate balance, navigating between the practicalities of productivity and the ethereal beauty of creative inspiration.

So, dear readers, I pose the question to you – how do you find your flow? Do you prioritize efficiency and completion, or do you revel in the boundless freedom of artistic exploration? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic, as we navigate the ever-evolving journey of artistic expression together. Until next time, may your creative endeavors be filled with flow and grace.